Whatsoever resemblance to any living or whosoever dead is purely INTENSENULL

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

It is never too late

Stubbed out for over a decade
The inferno stays hibernated
Everyone rests in peace until one day
When it comes back to life and each soul is infuriated.

The radical elements of destruction
Pounces upon every now and then
A sheer avatar of barbarism
And innocent lives bear all the pain.

Who were those people we voted for?
It’s been a hell lot of strife
Contained within us, smothering and twinging our existence
Swelling enormously, going rife.

Who shall awaken you from slumber?
The materialism keeping you sound.
Who shall mount courage into you?    
Your cowardice invading your ground.

Generations shall curse us
For the initiative we should advance upon now
Let the humanity behold a new era of harmony and love
A world devoid of terror, only WE can plough. 

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